We're getting ready for The Tremmel 5/1 Party (aka "The Marcella Party") in Raleigh, NC. The girls made tie-dye T-shirts for their cousins. Tie-dying is so much easier these days using complete kits from the craft store.

M & C had fun folding and scrunching the T-shirts. M is an expert at swirling, creating a bull's-eye, and putting on those rubber bands.

Next, we took the project outside. Following the kit's directions, we added water to the dye and shook it up. Then, the girls squirted the dyes on the folds in the shirts being careful not to "muddy" the colors.

After four hours of marinating in plastic bags, the girls hosed down the shirts to get rid of excess dye. C has powerful muscles and can wring out shirts like nobody's business.

Ta-da! Beautiful tie-dye T-shirts!
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